Thursday, 30 June 2011


Cantilena starts the countdown to the Summer 2011 concert.

The weather at last seems to be improving and we have hopes that at the "Folk at the Barn" concert won't actually be in the barn but in the open.

There's always a lot of work connected with any Cantilena event, but concerts in venues that are not primarily intended to be used as such take a deal more!

Chairs have to be commandeered. The Rural Life Museum, not being an events venue either, has some but not enough for the audience we hope to attract. St John's Church, Glastonbury is kindly lending us some as well. But for the choir to be able to sit down, we will have to bring our own!

There will be wine and soft drinks in the interval, in the barn, so we have to bring bottles, glasses, coolers and have tables all ready.

We have to make sure that the gates are all manned, access is right and have someone to handle the money.

If it pours and we sing in the semi-lit barn, how are we to see our music? So we have made sure that we all have personal lamps to light our folders!

However, we wouldn't do it if we didn't think it worthwhile for the chance to sing in such a lovely and unique setting

And we wouldn't do it if we didn't think our audience would enjoy it too!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Folk at the Barn

Well, you can't say that Cantilena is stuck in a routine! For many years we have performed our summer programme in the Abbey Kitchen at Glastonbury Abbey. While this is a beautiful venue there are severe restrictions on audience numbers and the acoustic can make our voice reverberate inside the tall chimney rather alarmingly.

So, this year we have changed our venue to the fascinating Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury. We have also entered into a collaboration with local folk musicians Rough Round the Edges to offer our audience and entertaining mix of madrigals, part-songs and local folk music.

The evening should be great fun and, at £10.00 a ticket, a bargain as well!

Here are the details:

Date: 9 July 2011
Location: Somerset Rural Life Museum
Time: 7.00 pm
Tickets: £10.00 obtainable from the RLM 01458 831197