Sunday, 10 July 2011

Backs Against the Wall

Thoughts by Tina

What a lovely setting for  a great evening of music and voice with our backs to the wall of the ‘Rural Life Barn’!
We were blessed with a dry, fine evening, and when the weather changed its mind, it didn’t matter, as by then we were all nicely under the cover of the magnificent Rural Life Barn’s roof!

 Armed with our music and extra seats, it was such a pleasure to turn up at this venue, to see so many people, some familiar, arriving at the same time , all looking forward to what turned out to be a most entertaining, fun  and simply enjoyable evening.
Tony Bevan gave us our notes - just like that! -  then  off we started with ‘Fair Phyllis’ and my goodness, we know her so well!! Followed by pretty love songs and songs that featured, gardens, trees, a cuckoo and a dog called Bingo!  We so had fun singing them. During the first half outside, Ann Parsons delighted us all  singing ‘The Oak and  the Ash’ so beautifully . In the second part and   after refreshments, Wendy Howiantz and Tina Della Valle( that’s me!) sang ‘Scarborough Fair’ within the  acoustics of the dimly lit barn. Thank goodness for our special little lights! Thanks, too, Wendy, I hope you enjoyed our duet - I did!

We shared the evening with folk group ‘Rough Round the Edges’ who played and sang brilliantly with lots of ‘toe tapping’ music. Towards  the end of their stint, a medley of ‘Hornpipe’ music was played, with the audience- and us- clapping to the tunes . Great fun.
Cantilena  rounded the programme off with Gibbons' "The Silver Swan" followed by Sullivan's "The Long Day Closes".

We had lots of very good feedback and all before going home too, so thank you everyone for your welcome support. Thank you, too, Tony and all my fellow singing friends. Hope to see you at our next concert and of course if you like singing, you may want to come and join us! Singing is  good for the soul, you know and I love to sing!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Media Exposure

Folk at the Barn in Press Release

 A good bit of publicity in Yesterday's Journal!

We leave no stone unturned in our attempts to gain a wider audience. To be sure, Cantilena has its own camp-followers, but we are always happy to welcome new faces and to perform to new people.

Roll on the sunshine and tomorrow!