Summer Idyll Concert Shaping Up
As our Summer concert draws near we are busy attending to the final details. After a term of rehearsals we now feel that we are fully absorbed into the sound and emotional world of the madrigals.
Readings have been carefully chosen to complement the music.
This year we are being joined by Steve Walter (Lutenist) and Hayley Guest (soprano) who will perform some lute pieces and songs. Steve is the inspiration behind Rosafresca, which seeks to inspire us with a passion for Elizabethan and Spanish Renaissance music.
Choir members are each contributing to the buffet supper which is included in the ticket price.
Posters have been put up, programmes printed, press releases issued.
We have been fortunate enough to secure some sponsorship:
From Collier Reading, designers of the Pavilion, and from Tukosawa, local makers and restorers of bespoke garden furniture. Without their help, it would be much harder to be able to provide concerts of a high standard at a price audience members can afford.
The weather forecast is looking good, so we very much hope that audience members will feel free to stroll outside and socialise comfortably.
So, really, there's nothing left to do except enjoy it. And that goes for performers and audience alike!
Don't miss it! All the details are below.
New Venue for Summer
For Cantilena, the Summer concert has always been an opportunity to mix making music with socialising with our audience. Over the years we have performed in many places around the Glastonbury area.
Sometimes we have sung out of doors, which can be a mixed pleasure, as well as places such as the Rural Life Museum, the Abbot's Kitchen and Abbey House. We tend to avoid churches, if at all possible, to reflect the lighter nature of the concert. So the hunt is always on for new and interesting places.
This year our concert "A Summer Idyll" will be held at The Pavilion, Millfield Prep School, Edgarley. This beautiful building was opened in 2014 and boasts a range of excellent facilities, including the hall where we are to perform.
Unlike our usual format, where the audience sits in rows facing us, we are having the concert "cabaret" style where the audience will sit at tables, maybe with a glass of wine, to watch the performance.
Afterwards, there will a be a buffet (and more wine if you wish) and a chance to socialise with the performers.
Below is all you need to know about the concert.
We hope to see you there!