In the world of Music the name "Passion" has become synonymous with J S Bach. as though there was no such thing until he wrote his famous works.
This isn't actually the case and this term we are bringing to the Glastonbury listening public a very special treat.

The format is substantially the same as that later adopted by Bach, with choruses, a story-telling evangelist, chorales, arias and crowd scenes played by the choir.
It is said that J S Bach was so impressed with the music that he copied it out in full and it is clear that many elements of Handel's work have crept into Bach's St John Passion.
We are looking forward to being able to bring this long-neglected work before audiences.
The concert will be at 7.30 pm on 9 April 2011 at St Mary's Church, Glastonbury. Tickets £10.00 from 01458 224486, the Glastonbury Music Shop or on the door.
See you there!
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