Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Let's get together

Suddenly, it's nearly on us! Our concert is on Saturday and all the pieces are coming together.

As last year, we are joined by St Margaret's Hospice, who do such wonderful work for cancer sufferers and their familes in Somerset and give a big "Thankyou" to Robert Burns of Burns the Bread for his generous gift of a hunderd mince pies to help the festivities along.

It's unusual in this part of Somerset to be offered a concert like this: with a feast of luscious Spanish music for unaccompanied voices to usher in Christmas.

And there are carols for you to sing as well!

Here's a reminder:

Date:           10 December 2011
Place:          St Mary's Church, Glastonbury
Time:          7.30 pm
Tickets:       £10.00 (to include refreshments)

Don't miss it!

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